When I was a student working my way through both college and university I was led astray by my mates and always ended up drunk most weekends. I suppose it goes with the student lifestyle work hard and party harder, but I was never a huge drinker. Although I love the taste of wine, cocktails and taboo and lemonade (not all 3 at once I may add) I just couldn't hold my ale all that well and would end up really poorly and really hungover, once I knew my limit I would try and stick to it. In my final year of university I discovered I was pregnant with Callum this gave me a great excuse to stop going out. The downside is that I felt like a spare part when we went anywhere where friends would be drinking be it for a meal, round to friends houses, barbecues and both Christmas and my 21st birthday were equally as boring. I stopped attending them at one point as I was sick of drinking just soft drinks. Once he arrived I rarely went out with my friends but it made such a difference to be able to have a few drinks with my friends again. However the hangovers after and a small child really didn't mix well. When I had both Nathan and James I fell into a similar pattern avoiding places where I knew friends would be drinking. Even once they were born I found myself going out and drinking less and less as I always dreaded the next day being hungover with 3 children to look after. I hardly drink at all now both at home or when out with friends on the odd occasions that we do go out it has always been easier just to not drink (even though i do miss the taste of alcohol) rather than suffer for it afterwards. However I have now found a new drink which I can enjoy but without all the downsides this is Eisberg Alcohol Free Wine.

I was sent a bottle of Eisberg Alcohol Free Wine to try and I am pleased to report that it is really really nice. I was quite sceptical at first as thought that it really wouldn't taste nice at all. I was sent a bottle of the Rose wine. Eisberg is the UK’s number one brand of non-alcoholic wine. Made in the same method as any still wine, the alcohol is gently removed using one of the world’s most advanced techniques to ensure that as much of the original character and intricate flavours of the wine are kept intact. The result is an alcohol free wine containing less than 0.05% alcohol, only 34 calories per 125ml glass and the real flavour of international grape varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay and Riesling.
The different varieties are available to buy from Tesco, Co-op, Morrisons and Waitrose. It is priced between £3.20 - £3.60 a bottle, so is great value for money.
I will definitely be drinking
Eisberg Alcohol Free Wine more often, I will be sure to take a bottle or two with me when we are invited out so that I can drink my wine without the dreaded hangover plus I can also drink and not feel guilty that I am undoing all my hard work with my diet as it has a low calorie value too. I will also be sure to take a bottle round to my friend who is pregnant and who is craving a wine fix. I'm sure the wine will be as big a hit with her as it was with me, I wish I had been introduced to it a couple of years ago. I give this a super rating of 4/5.
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