Despite the cold nights and heavy rains, the garden still has some amazing colours on display.
Cornus alba "Sibirica" aka red bark dogwood or red twig dogwood:
Quercus rubra aka northern red oak or champion oak:
The bright red and ripe fruit of Podophyllum emodi aka Himalayan mayapple or Indian may apple:
Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora' aka panicled hydrangea:
The autumn look of Ligularia stenocephala aka leopard plant:
Hylotelephium spectabile (Sedum spectabile) aka showy stonecrop or ice plant in its full glory, Echinacea purpurea aka Eastern purple coneflower or purple coneflowe is finally loosing its beautiful colour:
One of my favourite apples back in Scotland was Egremont Russet - perhaps because it's very dissimilar to all the popular apple varieties in Estonia. The russet apple is often described as having a sweet and dry "nutty" flavour, and I agree. When establishing our garden 4 years ago, we ordered two Egremont Russet plants from England to complement some of our local varieties. Although we got 2 beautiful ripe apples last year, then this year we've been blessed with almost twenty large and perfect russet-coloured dessert apples:
Aster novae-angliae aka aster "New England" is still looking pretty:
Sambucus nigra or black elder (lace black elder), variety 'Dissectum', has really been thriving in our garden. Earlier this year I used the blossoms to flavour raspberry jam and make several bottles of cordial for the forthcoming winter. Now the berries are ripe and I hope to make some black elderberry jam next weekend:
And last, but not least - our beautiful Rosa rugosa aka rugosa rose "Ritausma" has began to blossom again, for the third time this season, if I'm not mistaken:
Here's the garden update from May 2012, and here's the garden update in Estonian.
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