Amount of chicken depends upon the requirements. You can choose amounts of ingredients per your choice. You need fewer amounts of ingredients if you are serving fewer plates. But if you are serving lot of plates, then you require less amounts of ingredients accordingly. Here, we are choosing total yields of, cook time and total preparation time as follows:
* Total yield: four serves
* Preparation time: fifteen minutes
* Cooking time: fifteen minutes
Required Ingredients
Foods are the combination of ingredients mixed with proper proportions. Best baked chicken can never be made without the help of necessary ingredients. They can be further listed as:
* You need three to four part of chicken which is cut into total eight parts such as two thighs, two breasts, two wings and two thighs which excludes back portion.
* Fresh olive oil
* Black pepper which is freshly ground
* Kosher salt
* You need one to two cups of sodium stock of chicken
* white wine can be the best option if you are intending to make gravy which comes under an optional choice
Methods for cooking
I. First of all, you need to cut chicken pieces or simply trim the area which has excessive fats. Then, you should pat them dry using paper towel. Then, put salt all over the area and leave it for around for fifteen to twenty minutes for chilling off.
II. Then, preheat oven for around 205 degree Celsius. Olive oil should be rubbed all over with addition of salt and black pepper. You should then arrange all chicken pieces randomly in the pan in order to slide them up. Some space should be allowed between the pieces
III. Then, the third step is about real baking inside the oven for thirty minutes. Initially, it should be heated till it grows brow. Then, heat should be lowered finally. In case, your chicken is not getting brown, then you have to keep it under broiler in last five minutes.
IV. The, you are supposed to take the chickens out from the oven and place it inside serving dish. Before you start to serve, wrap it or tent it using aluminum foil and leave it for around five to ten minutes.
V. But if you are intending to prepare gravy, you have to put the pan using drippings on stove and medium heat should be given to burner. You have to carefully scrape up those stocked drippings which are stocked at the bottom. As soon as pa gets hot, you should pour chicken stock or white wine so that it will help to loosen drippings.
VI. Then, finally transfer them to saucepan; heat it up on mild high till chicken gets reduced to required thickness.
This way, your special baked chicken recipes gets ready.

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